Each hex color is in hsla() form defined by the define-color() mixin, split into four CSS variables, where suffix h indicates hue, s saturation, l lightness and a alpha.
The SCSS $var-prefix variable is to make CSS variable unique, $name is the color name and $color is the hex color to obtain hue, saturation, lightness and alpha.
It's possible to customize the CSS variables' names with the SCSS variable $var-prefix, which by default is set to s.
For example, the primary-color is built from the CSS variables based on hex #5755d9.
Each color that is based on settable color is defined by the mixin define-color-based-on(), and it's also split into four CSS variables, which values refer by using var() CSS function to settable colors CSS property names, where suffix h indicates hue, s saturation, l lightness and a alpha.
For example secondary-color that based on primary-color is defined in both :root and :host elements and built from the CSS variables as follows.